How Can Shamanic Healing Help You?

Have you ever felt that you have lost a part of yourself and after this your chronic illness (eg. Anxiety, Depression, Addictions or Low Self Confidence) started?
Are you having a run of mis-fortune and/or chronic illness?
Have you noticed un-healthy emotional patterns, that you are having difficulty letting go of?
Have you been trying to achieve something and it feels as if you are being blocked in some way?
e.g. becoming pregnant, finding a new home, finding a new job etc
Or maybe you feel something is just not right?

Shamanic healing, works with song and sacred ceremony to clear un-healthy energy, restore lost power or lost soul essences (soul parts) whilst creating deep transformation and empowerment.

Unhealthy Emotional Patterns

If you are aware you have unhealthy emotional patterns, they maybe due to an ancestral pattern or problem. Ancestral healing honours the ancient ones through the gift of acknowledgement and healing. These patterns are released from you, your descendants and your ancestors.

I act as a channel for my spirit allies to a create a tailor made and unique Shamanic healing session for you with ceremonies and songs, releasing and healing trauma. I present to my spirit allies what the client would like to be healed, but my spirit allies decide what needs to be healed and when.

Spiritual and/or Energy Blocks

With the guidance from my spirit allies I locate and remove any misplaced energy, negative thought forms, un-healthy souls in the body to restore harmony .

Soul Retrieval

If you experience a shock or trauma you may lose a part of your life force or ‘soul essence’. You may feel ‘as if you are not all there’, chronically depressed, have difficulty  recovering from a loss or have gaps in your memory. This may lead to addictions or other chronic illness. Through ceremony I and my spirit allies restore your soul essence bringing with it all it’s related gifts and talents. Usually clients feel empowered,  balanced and more present.

Ancestral Healing and Past Life Healing

You may find that you have specific un-healthy emotional patterns and you don’t know the reason for them. Or there are specific problems in your life and you can’t trace the cause. This maybe because members of your family or ancestors have suffered a trauma or died under unusual circumstances such as suicide, war or accidents etc. (You may or may not be aware of this family history) These shocks or un-expected losses can leave a gap in your family or ancestral field. This can lead to wounds that create painful un-healthy patterns which are repeated by later generations. These patterns are a call from the ancestors to heal these traumas from earlier generations.

I journey to the ancestors to identify the cause of these wounds/ traumas or problems and under the guidance of my own helping ancestors and spirit allies facilitate the healing of your ancestors. In this healing freeing you from these patterns and problems. Ancestral healing is also a process of honouring the ancestors by giving them the opportunity to receive this healing.

Regina Borger

DNA Master Energy Healer & Advanced Life Coach