What Is Meditation?

Its all about training awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective where you are not trying to turn of your thoughts or feelings. You are learning to observe them without judgment and starting to understand them better as well. Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts on positive reinforcement or desired activity or object. There are many types of meditations but Mindfulness is the process of being fully present with your thoughts, set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and thicken pre frontal cortex the brain center that manages higher order brain function for decision making or concentration.


Breathing forms the basis of everything we do from sleeping to exercising. It is quite simply our life force. Breathing well allows us to be well. Breathwork sessions aim to connect us fully to the breath and play with our breathing patterns in order to facilitate change and improvement in all other areas of life, such as relieving stress and anxiety, bringing on restful sleep and boosting our creativity.

Heart Meditation

You will be guided through a deep meditation to let go of control by using a variety of techniques including guided visualizations, sounds and breath to strengthen your heart-brain connection, allowing more love to come in, gain clarity on what your soul truly desires and acknowledge and overcome the blocks which are preventing your desires from coming to life.

Movement Meditation

In the trappings of modern life, it’s never been more important to engage with our inner animal, tune into nature and reconnect with our wild side, to experience nature in the same way as animals do. Expect a deep meditation rooted in our senses - sight, sound, imaginary scent and touch.In a safe, explorative, playful space you will be guided through a moving meditation journey via the four elements (earth, fire, water and air) in order to gain a deeper understanding of your internal world and learn to gain trust in your body and intuition in order to navigate your life from a more empowered and conscious mindset

Meditation Mindfullness

Mindfulness meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body and what are you feeling in the moment without judgment or any interpretation.It focuses on awareness of the breath, bringing you into the present moment using traditional Buddhist and mindfulness techniques to reduce stress in the mental body.

Regina Borger

DNA Master Energy Healer & Advanced Life Coach