What is Light Language?

Light Language is another alternative energetic Healing modality that comes through in a variety of different ways, from symbols to language, tapping or drumming, singing toning, art, body movements and even dancing. It's a form of communication that bypasses human limitations around the meaning of the words. As opposed to a normal language that is made up of symbols and sounds that we have mutually agreed upon as a society or culture, Light language has no fixed alphabet. Its a spiritual language that is used for healing through transmission of a sound from other Octaves/dimensions, self-empowerment, and co-creating reality. Instead of using just your ears, it uses your mind and your eyes to join all of your senses in understanding, making it the language of the soul. When it comes to the production or perception of this spiritual language, people can speak in tongues, dance, or sing. Many instances of light language being used for healing can date back to the Egyptians and be found throughout Native American culture.

How does it manifest, and what is it used for?

People seek out light language healing for multiple different reasons. Some people seek it out for anxiety, depression, guidance on love, fear respondents, or even as a way to focus on a past life they have lived. When it comes to these subconscious patterns, the healing takes form in what is very similar to sleep affirmations. It can come in waves from the healer’s sounds, songs, or movements to a specific body part.

Can anyone do it?
How can you even tell if it works?

It is a language of Vibration, the light comes from that vibration, always comes form High vibrational beings, or sound of a vibration called Light Codes, a form of a channeled healing the drawing of the light Codes on various medium, which brings healing Light Codes which can be seen by clairvoyantly, as i do, to help you by your healing work. We all Beings as a co creators in this earth, by receiving the light language that can connect you to higher Realms, to higher vibrational beings, spirit guides to receive messages, to Multi-dimensional or Extra-terrestrials Languages. Therefore Divine Spirit sending the Light codes to your Higher self, DNA and your physical body. So connecting the source creator in order to transform your life, you get deeper understanding of co creative spiritual principles. I am also describing how to learn the power of the light language and wisdom in the window in our human soul to express yourself more creatively finding your hidden unique skills and expressions.

Regina Borger

DNA Master Energy Healer & Advanced Life Coach