Quantum Healing

Why this Type of Healing it titled "Quantum" Healing?
Where conventional medicine has no more effect on you and you are running out of choices, its a positive effect to engage the extention of intergration of Quantum approach. Everything is connected at the subatomic level, energy responds to your mindful attention that becomes matter, it is science. It is created from tiny particles atoms that affects our behavior of that energy matter. Quantum Healing through Electric Universe, I am accessing the portal opening the window to the Multi-Verse. How do we break free from the emotions no longer serves us ? Embraced with a concept that your subjective mind has an effect on your objective world. This concept cannot be embraced with the senses but it alive in your mind. Therefore i apply variety of techniques that employs natural healing working with the Life Force Energy of the body to help stimulate a person’s wellness by focusing, amplifying and directing the energy. In quantum model, quantum mechanics makes it possible because the physical universe is immaterial, interconnected, unified field of vast information.

Quantum Healing is a technique that employs natural healing working with the Life Force Energy of the body to help stimulate a person’s wellness by focusing, amplifying and directing the energy. The Pranic healing provides one important tool which is called scanning. I can size and sense the Aura the energy around your body and their activation level to find out where the problem and area can be treated effectively. Therefore Pranic techniques pure potential intrinsically related uses resonance and build in in sequences requisite knowledge of Chi that runs through the body entrains to accelerate the healing process.

Quantum Treatment

Quantum healing is alternative medicine. A suitable scientific mixture of ideas drawing on quantum mechanics, psychology, philosophy and neurophisiology, those quantum phenomena responsible for our well being. Would you like to experience?
There are different versions of quantum ideas including the wave particles and more general Energy vibrations. I Create a state flow in a wave form and observe your Energy the state you are in, by raising my vibration, using the breathing techniques and body awareness in order to meet your client’s vibration for the healing to begin.

Quantum Benefits

Quantum Touch Healing, has been accepted by a wide range of clinical professionals such as doctors, chiropractors and physiotherapists as being able to help support a patient’s recovery alongside other treatments.

Regina Borger

DNA Master Energy Healer & Advanced Life Coach